TVET Courses

ZBTI offers all the programmes under Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA), the institute of Commercial Management (ICM), International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB)

These programmes will be categorized into:

  1. Artisan Certificate – the level of courses that produce skilled workers in specific trades (artisans)
  2. Certificate – the level of post school courses that produce skilled technicians (craftsmen)
  3. Diploma – the level of post school courses that produces workers with technical, supervisory, training and managerial skills

This move is a rebrand of our current Zetech Career Center to Zetech Business and Technical Institute in a bid to boost the University’s performance in the Artisan, certificate and Diploma markets and increase opportunities for students to access quality higher education.

Zetech University in keen to accommodate learners who are excited and ready to experience an extra-ordinary campus life as they work towards attaining a marketable certificate through access to quality and affordable higher education.

Program Goal

This course is intended to provide students with a wide range of software, technical and technological ICT skills required by industry at certificate level. The student is expected to develop an IT solution to a practical business problem using an engineering approach.


The Certificate in Electrical and electronics Engineering programme is intended on providing adequate training, knowledge and skills in order to develop solution providers in the electrical and electronics engineering dynamic world and prepare graduates for progression to higher levels of study in their fields of specialization. Graduates of the programme should be able to install, operate, service and maintain

The programme shall focus on providing adequate training, knowledge and skills to develop solution providers in the electrical and electronics engineering dynamic world and prepare graduates for progression to higher levels of study in their fields of specialization. Graduates of the program should be able to install, operate, service and maintain electrical installation systems and electronic equipment

Program Goal

The level of post school courses that produce skilled technicians (craftsmen). This course is designed for learners who wish to gain the knowledge in the production of food and beverages, as well as serving clients in various catering and drink establishments with food and drinks.

Program Goal

The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) course provides a basis for professional careers such as accounting, auditing, finance management, tax management and consultancy. If one wishes to pursue a career as a professional accountant, the CPA course is the first step towards a Master’s or other higher degrees in reputable universities.

Program Goal

This course serves as an opportunity to learn how to effectively and efficiently managebusinessactivitiesandprepareyourselfforanin-demandcareer.Emphasiswillbeontheimportanceofbusinessmanagementandoperationalskills. The course will furtherserveasafoundationforstudentswhowishtoventureintobusiness management and entrepreneurship as well as those who want to pursue high levels in business studies.