Dr. Bernard BaimweraBernard has over 20 years of work experience in both the private and public sectors. He is an expert in Public Finance and Education and has worked extensively in the field of Academia, where he has been an education manager, a Senior Lecturer and an education consultant. He has undertaken research in many sectors of the economy, including the education sector, which has helped shape policy directions in the country. He has good working experience in public financial management, public policy advisory, monitoring & evaluation. He has also undertaken many assignments on policy development in government ministries, County governments, and other public institutions such as the development of County Integrated Plans (CIDPs), the development of county budgets, human resource audits and capacity building in financial management and public sector accounting.

He holds a PhD in Finance (Strathmore University), a Master of Business Administration (University of Nairobi), and a Bachelor of Education (University of Nairobi). Professionally he is a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya(CPA-K) and Chartered Financial Analyst Level One (CFA).